Thankfully I found someone who loves Halloween as much as I do, or he loves me enough to put up with all of it.
So this year
On a usual day-to-day basis I wear jeans, t-shirt and converse. So for Halloween I
So here is a walk down memory lane at our costumes from the last 4 years...
Year 1:
This was a last minute plan to even go out for Halloween. I wanted to be the Scottish girl, but they didn't have it anymore, so second best: "St. Paulie's Girl" which is what I was called all night. We went with our 2 friends who were dressed from the 70's. Year 2:
He wanted to a Spartan, and I didn't want to spend money on a costume. I rummaged through my closet and came up with this. We went with the same couple from the last year and they were a kitty cat and Billy Mayes (which was by far the best costume ever!)
All of us
And here is Whiskey's costume debute: A ladybug!
Year 3:
Year 3 was the most fun. It was our largest group going out to celebrate, and we all coordinated. It all came together on a drinking night that we would go as characters from Super Mario Smash Bros. Josh and I were Zelda and Link. Also: my mom made about 80% of Josh and my costume.
All of us. 1 guy decided to be a pain and come as Frodo from Lord of the Rings, but he pulled it off well, so it was ok.
We had a separate costume for Whiskey. She was a hot dog (or as my dad called her: a bratwurst) and Josh and I were the condiments.
Year 4:
We did a total coordination this last year. I found Whiskey's costume a few days after Halloween #3 at Target for SUPER SALE and it all snowballed from there. I've ALWAYS wanted to be Alice to begin with so I liked it. Josh actually had a work when we went out, so I was Alice without my Mad Hatter at the bar, but we got dressed up again a few weeks later for the pictures.
Year 5:
As for this year, pictures will be up after this weekend.With the whole effect. But until then I have 1 picture for you as a teaser:
This is pascal, Rapunzel's sidekick. I am going to be making some minor adjustments to her costume to make it more chameleon-like
And as a final parting picture this is what we shall achieve this year. I am just a slightly sluttier sexy version. :)

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