Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Beat the Heat in south FLA

This is my own little ideas of how to beat the heat, but if you want the more in depth version visit: Corgi Butt.
Lately to beat the heat I have been using frozen fruit and frozen treats and A LOT of swimming, cooling down with the hose, or laying on the cold tile under the fan.
Whiskey spends most of the weekday working hours (unless mom aka grammie comes home for lunch and takes her out for a little) in her kennel aka house. I rearranged my room this past weekend and moved her house away from the window and in to the corner where it is darker and cooler (slightly). The other day I let her out of her house and put my hand inside- it was quite warm. So I came up with the brilliant idea to get her a personal fan. I went to Kmart and for her a little 6 inch clip on fan. I set it up clipped it to her kennel door yesterday night, and Whiskey plopped her little corgi butt right in front of that fan and didn't move. She even went inside her house to see what that was like. It was comical to see. My boyfriend and I were cracking up watching her get the right angle of the fan wind. This morning when I left she walked into her house, I set up her fan, and went to leave- not without looking back at my girl who was as close to that fan as she could be catching the cool air.

Disclaimer: her fan is OUTSIDE her kennel door and the cord is far away from any chances of being chewed.

I was also talking to some girls at work and one said they take a full plain yougurt and put it in the fridge, making their own frost paws. Put it in front of her dog and watch the cooling fun.

Try and stay cool this summer everyone!


  1. Does she have a totally blissed-out look on her face when she is by a fan or the wind blows in our face? Gibson lovvvves a good breeze! :)

  2. Yes that about describes it perfectly Kelly!! haha :-)

  3. I may have to try a clip on fan for Herman. I was worried he would be afraid of the noise.

  4. thats hilarious :)
    butterball hates fans....or any burst of air unless he's hanging out of the car window
