I realize I have been MIA for a little while. I have a legitimate excuse, not one I am happy to share though. On Friday I lost my job. I job I actually thoroughly enjoyed. Why you may ask? Truthfully I really don't have an answer, the best I can come up with is the boss had a bug up his ass.
I'll walk you though:
I worked at a physical therapy office for people that had a car accident or slip and fall. I had a new patient on Thursday in the afternoon. She didn't show up (which happens a lot actually). So I call the patients the next day ad reschedule or find out what is going on. So Friday I was going to call this patient after lunch when it was more quiet in the office. Literally 5 minutes before calling said patient I am checking my voice mails. The boss, head honcho, el douche calls my on the phone: "hello?"
"did that patient come in yesterday?"
"was anyone notified of this?"
"no. I was going to call the patient now."
"not the answer. was anyone notified about this?"
"ok." ::CLANK:: hangs up.
I call the patient and reschedule her for Monday. My department manager and the marketing manager
actively talking in the kitchen (which I have clear site of). Marketing manager ask me to come in.
"We have to fire you."
::SHOCKED:: "wwwhhhhattt????"
"yea.. sorry"
"because the boss says so"
"what he says goes."
To cut the story short I try to explain myself with no avail. I got 1/2 a day of training, everything else I learned on my own. No one told me if a new patient didn't show up that I had to let anybody know.
Since I started on Cinco de Mayo we had more that 2 hands of new patient not show up for their initial appointment. I call reschedule and voila they show up and we continue on our marry way called therapy.
I txted the massage therapist that I worked with that we had created a friendship relationship he was as shocked as I was. He tried to get to the bottom of it...
Basically got the same answer I did.
"you didn't answer the way they wanted you to" <-- exact text.
Then I also learn that they already have a girl for the spot from one of the other offices.
Now not to sound crude, but honestly is the truth: If your not sucking anyone at that job you don't get to keep it.
Since I was there for a whole 4 months I saw 5 people come and go. I dint want to be one of those statics. I know there is another job somewhere out there for me. However I really did enjoy that one. I am just more upset they think (and can) treat people like that.
I'm trying to make lemonade out of lemons so hello Etsy shop! I will be opening one soon, and I will keep everyone posted.
Whiskey doesn't know what do with me being home though. Its kinda cute.
When life gives you lemons, have a tequila shot